Friday, February 17, 2012

An existential view of one's bio.

It's scarily ironic I began with this title. Minutes after I typed it, I found out a good college friend just passed away. Those of you who knew Ashar knew what a great person he was; and we will all miss him. Cheers, Brother!

Back to the scheduled thought:
I started today's post thinking about my bio as it will be presented on our site, I want it to be fun, quirky, thorough, and illustrative. And as I began to think about it, I started getting all kinds of thoughts and feelings about the wider picture of a bio. Ahhhhhh, the "Who am I?" question which I dwelled on as a child. Along with structure, length, ... (all the technical details of the bio), my thoughts started to spin out of control. Goosfraba!

It's not just who I am and where I have been. It's who I want to be. Where I want to be.'s how much do I REALLY want to tell everyone. I know it'll be awesome when it comes together.

So who and what am I? 
I affectionately refer to myself as a son of a bastard Irish orphan--true story.  I will have to draw from previous descriptions--AKA my as-succinct-as-can-be online dating profile summary--to go more in depth.

I am adventurous, open, sensual, passionate, smart, laid back, friendly, funny, honest, geeky, sexy, strong, deep, sensitive, empathetic, and a little crazy.   --  I will have to defer to Buttercup to vouch if said attributes are living up to the advertised value. Maybe I undersold the crazy part...but that's one which can be very subjective.

I am a fantastic dad.  I am a great friend. I am an optimist--usually. I love to learn and grow. I am a music geek. I am an explorer. I am renewed. I am an individual.  I have great family.  I have the best friends.  I am very fortunate to have as many good friends as I do.  I work for a fantastic company that has changed the world.  I am a Tough Mudder!!!  

Where have I been?
I am very fortunate to have traveled to the many places I have so far in my life--with many more destinations left to cross off the list.  Heck, I could have never left the state of California and been absolutely content.  We live in one of the world's most enchanted places.  From the beaches, to the cities, to vast open valleys and deserts.  The Sierra, Tahoe, Redwoods, Sequoia.  The Sacramento, American, Feather, Merced, San Juaquin, Kings name just a few.  Yosemite anyone?  Can't forget about all the great wine, either!

I have road tripped to most of the western US (Mexico and Canada, too) on one trip or another.  LOTS and LOTS of great stories from those.  So many great memories.  I have cruised the Caribbean, flown to Cancun, Cabo, Hawaii.  I traveled to some great places in Europe.  London (and Southend and Sea), Oslo,   Amsterdam, Paris.  (layovers in Frankfurt dont count)  I have been fortunate to travel to Israel for work--so far, three times.  I am an Israelophile.  I have some very close friends who opened their lives to professional colleagues from across the ocean.  There is such a fascinating and magical history, there is amazing, natural beauty there--the beaches, the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea, the desert floor transformed into beautiful, lush farmland, and so much more.  Oh yeah--They have fantastic wine, too!  All in all, I'd go to Israel damn near anytime.

I have a question:  Do you ever find yourself having a Forrest Gump reflection of the beautiful places and situations you have experienced?  I do.  Frequently.  Love them!

***Editors Note:  I completely left out all the places I have been on the East Coast.  Cities like Boston (my adopted east-coast city), New York, Philly (holler, Baltimore, DC, Miami.  I have stayed in and visited places in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and Florida.

What and Where do I want to be?
I certainly want to continue all the good things which enrich my life: being a great father, friend, partner.  Exercise and healthy lifestyle are very important--and probably self-evident in my hard work and dedication to be healthy and happy.  Here is my #IEatPaleo plug:  I will definitely continue the paleo/primal lifestyle.  I wish to be outdoors as much as possible.  The Godfather verbalized something perfectly.  So much so, I have adopted it as well.  Being outdoors is my church.  I want to hike, bike, raft, experience her beauty.  I have such a great feeling when I am in--and a part of--nature.  Buttercup's dad said it well, too.  He said being out in nature really is being as close to God as you can get.  I concur, sir!

So if it's an outdoor adventure, chances are I will be interested.  I still want to take the courses and become a certified raft guide.  I have de-prioritized that several times.  I want to SCUBA dive again, it's been too long.  I should get my advanced open water--good way to get refreshed.  I am definitely going to continue my Mountain biking (but getting elbow pads)--Such a good thing to have a voice of reason near.  I am going to get some street tires for the bike too, (dont want to spend big dollars for a street bike) so I can train for and participate in Eppies.  I am going to backpack with Buttercup this year.  Catalina this April!  I've got two more mudders loaded (one locked, the next isn't too far from being locked).  I am looking forward to this Year's NorCal.  I definitely want Squirt to see me finish this year.  Oh yeah, I put myself of the hook to get the #1 Deadlift at the Gym...

Where seems to be relatively easy.  But with respect to the next house which I will buy, I'm leaning towards two locations--Cameron Park or Placerville.  I do know that I love the Sacramento/Gold Country area (Hello  I want a good neighborhood with fun places kids can ride their bikes, goof off, you know--be kids.  More to report on that later as the search narrows and lands.

Bottom line.  I want to live the life which brings as many good feelings as possible.  I want health and abundance!  I want to have the most loving and awesome friends one could ever have.  I want to continue to make this world a better one. I want the satisfaction of accomplishing things.  I want to be the best example for Squirt and any future posterity.  I want to be and have the best partner to navigate this fun jungle.

So far...I like where I am.

Peace, Love, and Humptiness!

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