Friday, February 3, 2012

Ink and Falling in love with rocks and such

Full disclosure: this post may be a bit disjointed. I will do my best to make it sound and read like it has a slice of continuity.

So I have started writing stuff into a comp book...I write my thoughts and such down when the fancy strikes me. I sometimes doodle, have ADD side bars, note observations, so on and so forth. I even wrote a very important letter in this...which the addressed person shall read some time (probably in the form a proper, addressed letter).

I am pleasantly and crazily shocked at my intentions and thoughts of the past. So many of these strong and clear intentions have now become reality. So there really is something to putting pen to paper. (more on these revelations in future post)

I had 2 great conversations with my friend essentially about not forgetting the fundamentals of old school ways of communicating--like talking to the people we are with in stead of getting over involved in the high tech bits in our hands. I am guilty of this at times AND it's a pet peeve of mine. Yes, I know. It's a bit of a hypocritical. I am dedicated to set more of a positive example in this--meaning the phone stays out of the hands when I am with you in person. I have been quite successful--with plenty room for improvement. We both agree that it is OK to use the phone to google things relevant to the conversation. Bottom line, don't loose sight of what is in front of you. I might even follow her example and begin hand writing notes and letters to my friends. It's an old-school revival with some new-tech tricks.

So what am I writing down now? (side bar: I have realized I have been neglecting my book...but for good reason. I have been busy out doing things and experiencing life)

I just wrote 2 fitness goals the first half of 2012(I am positive there will be more) First, to be the gym's #1 dead lift! And second, 10+ unassisted chin ups/pull ups. Both these are well within my reach. I may choose to increase or refine these goals along with hopefully adding more.

I am already amazed at my physical accomplishments. My workouts are feeling fantastic even as they completely beat my ass. My mountain bike skill and stamina is starting to amaze me. This also has greatly affected my riding confidence. I recently took my bike out to Granite Bay with the Godfather. We came upon a set of rocks which I have never been able to ride up. I am sure on the scale of technical difficulty, this is maybe a 5; but nonetheless its a new one for me. Jay shows me the line, gives me the instructions on approach, and tells me to get some.

First attempt: follow the line and hit the rocks too far inside. Crash! My right leg and knee kiss some granite. But it was kinda cool--and Jay immediately tells me, "Do it again!"

Second attempt: Get some refining points and some encouraging "Do it! You *****!" Follow the line, same result. This time, I got my knee really well. (Really, I am not a masochist; but I do enjoy displaying my "learning marks.")

The third and fourth attempts yielded the same approximate results, but I was improving. Yes I got me some more of that granite.

Finally the fifth time, perfect line, perfect entry, right entry speed. Nailed it--almost. This time, no rock-kissing. I was astonished I actually did it and did not pedal through the rocks as I should have. Next time, I will blast through it like nothin'.

Tada gan iarracht.

There is more...


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