Monday, February 20, 2012

Going to California

Appropriate song to be playing on Pandora.  As I begin to reflect upon the sunset of my #RadicalSabbatical, it dawned on me.  I have remained inside the great state of California.  And that is entirely awesome!  No grandiose trips around the world or anything like that, but I am very happy with how the sabbatical has gone.  It was intended to be a journey of self discovery and growth.

It has been that...and more.

I am ready to hit the ground running on March 5, my return day to work.  In the mean time, I still have great tricks up the sleeve.  More on that tomorrow (or Tuesday).

This weekend:
Fantastic weekend with the fam.  Moms and the bro came up with the kiddos.  Saturday was our day of anthropological observation better known as the Light Rail train between Folsom and Downtown.  The train ride was for the kids.  I mean, riding the train to go to the train museum?  Who is the coolest uncle and dad to make that happen?  Thank you, yes, I thought it was pretty damn cool.  Great people watching, in case you had any doubt.

Came home after our expedition to Old Sac, and I had one of the best 45-minute naps ever!  Thanks, Mom, for the time!  Then it was off to celebrate Mom's belated b-day.  Damn!  Rudy's in Rancho.  I forget how good the food is there.  Good times.

We get home and get the kids wrangled and in bed.  Moms is ready to hold the fort down, so the bro and I can go out to have a drink together (and a chance for him to meet Buttercup).  After about 10 min waiting for the bro to come out of the bedroom with his son, I get up to see what's going on...dude is OUT.  My mom and I get a chuckle out of if and shut down for the night. (Next time he'll get to meet Buttercup)

After a good night's sleep, I hit the road on a 3.5 mile run with the fat dog this morning.  It was a great way to start the day on such a brisk 34 degree morning.  I haven't cross checked my mileage, but my gps app tagged me at a sub-9 min/mile pace.  I was impressed, none the less.  Heck, even fat dog impressed me.  I usually give him a 3-mile limit because I have to start dragging him for the last 5 minutes.  Today, only had to goose him twice.  Evidently, we are both getting into good shape.

After a great breakfast at the Purp with the fam, Squirt and I had to bid them farewell.  Not to waste the beautiful day, I took Squirt to the school down the street to play some horse and 1-on-1.  I totally took him on the horse game.  But he got the best of me on the 1-on-1.  Had a great time playing with him tho.  Gotta send some props to his mom and step-dad for seeding the hoops bug.

Thanks to leftovers and Spongebob, I got to have a nice relaxing couple of hours at home after hoops.  But we weren't done yet...

After dad's quiet time, Squirt and I rolled to the skate park so he could get some time on his scooter.  Last time we went; Squirt had an unpleasant meeting with a bike and the concrete.  I knew he was going to be a cautious this time.  When we get there, the park is pretty full with skateboarders--most of them upper teens and early twenties.  Squirt was definitely no ready to go out in the busy park, so we waited.  He was getting upset at one point because he wanted less people.  I had to give him the speech about how this is a public park and it's here for everyone to use, yada yada yada.  To the 6-year-old, he just wanted to push a button and clear out the people.  Finally the park starts to die down, but Squirt is still apprehensive.  My advice to him was, "Dude, it's not gonna ever be this empty unless you come at six in the morning," (yeah he actually considered that as an option) "Come on dude, buck up!"  After my stellar pep talk, he did buck up.  And he had a blast!  He was all over the skate park.  Weaving around other skaters and scooter riders.  Shooting down the tallest ramp.  Riding around the rounded walls.  It was fantastic!  Put the cap on one of the best dad weekends ever.


I am now looking forward to a fantastic week ahead.  Fun things are on order.  I will be heading on another road trip with Buttercup.  It will be another road trip filled with fun activities and great times.

More on that later.

Until then,
Have a holly jolly President's day.

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